Anyone who owns a pet knows how painful it is to discover that their cat has worms. Not only may finding the worms be frightening (and disgusting), but their existence can also raise major concerns about your feline’s overall health and well-being.
However, there are multiple safe and successful methods of treating all types of worms in cats and various preventative measures you may use to reduce the likelihood of a recurrence of the infestation in the future.
All kittens should be treated for familiar parasites such as roundworms and hookworms at the ages of 2, 4, and 6 weeks to ensure that they are free of these parasites. This can be accomplished by using the best ever dewormer for cats, i.e., Worm eX at home.
An oral dewormer bottle and a digital scale are required for deworming a kitten at home. You may get these items online or at your local pet supply store. Using a digital scale, a 1cc syringe, and an oral dewormer bottle is required for deworming a kitten at home.
The following information will provide you with all you need to know about worms and how to get rid of worms in felines safely and successfully.
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What Causes Cats to Acquire Worms?
In most cases, cats become infected with worms after contracting parasite eggs or diseased excrement.
A cat may walk through an area that contains eggs or contaminated excrement, and because cats are often such meticulous groomers, the eggs or fecal particles may be ingested when they clean their hair and feet.
As with outdoor cats, this can happen to indoor cats as quickly as it can to outdoor cats, mainly if numerous cats use a litter box that has been contaminated with infectious excrement.
Because worms can dwell in the muscle tissues of their prey, cats that live outdoors and hunt tiny rodents frequently are at an increased risk of contracting them.
As the larvae of worms mature in the cat’s intestines after eating a rodent that has been infected with them, a cat can develop a worm infestation after eating the rodent.
Worms in Cats Come in a Variety of Forms
The following are the most common forms of worms found in cats:
- Roundworms
- Hookworms
- Tapeworms
- Whipworms
A variety of less usually identified worms in cats can cause major health problems and even death in some cases, among them the following:
- Lungworms
- Worms in the stomach
- Bladder worms
- Flukes of the liver
Tapeworms are a type of flea larva that is specific to this species. Tapeworms are the most prevalent type of worm that pet owners come across. Tapeworms are long, flat, and segmented, and they have a worm-like appearance. When pet owners notice tapeworms, they typically detect segments of the worm around the pet’s rear end or on bedding that resemble grains of white rice or sesame seeds. Cats become infected with tapeworms after consuming fleas that have been brushed out of their fur.
Cats can contract roundworms by eating roundworm eggs or larvae from the muscular tissue of diseased rodents or other animals that they may come into contact with. Cats that pursue animals in the wild are at a higher risk of contracting hookworms than different types of cats. Kittens typically acquire roundworms through their mother’s milk.
Hookworms are soil-dwelling creatures. Your cat can contract hookworms by cleaning her feet after going through an infected area if she can roam free outside. Another way for cats to contract hookworms is through ingestion of excrement from other sick cats. When it comes to themselves and other pets, cats can be thorough groomers. They can unwittingly groom the fecal material of other pets afflicted with roundworms or even groom their paws after visiting the litterbox and passing infected excrement.
Try using Worm eX because it is the natural dewormer solely made for cats with organic and natural ingredients with zero side effects on any cat breed. This miracle drug is used to deworm all types of worms in cats, including roundworms, whipworms, tapeworms, and hookworms.
Symptoms of Worms in Domesticated Cats
According to the type of worm and the level of the infestation, worm infestations in cats can be completely asymptomatic (i.e., display no symptoms) or severe and life-threatening.
Symptoms of worms in felines include the following:
- Vomiting is a common occurrence (sometimes with worms in the vomit)
- Diarrhea is a common complaint (with or without blood)
- Tarry excrement
- Loss of weight
- An abdominal distension
- Skin rashes and lesions
- In general, the body is in poor condition, and the coat is dull
As infestations develop and symptoms intensify, you may notice signs such as the following:
- Weakness
- Dehydration
- Pale lips and gums as a result of anemia.
- Hypertension (high blood pressure)
- Shock
- In the most severe cases, death may result.
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Cats with Specific Types of Worms Show Specific Symptoms
Based on your cat’s symptoms, you can use this guide to assist you in identifying the precise type of worm that it has.
Roundworms can cause a variety of major problems, including the following:
- Coughing and bronchitis (if larvae penetrate the lungs and mature in the respiratory tract)
- Vomiting (which may contain adult worms)
- Diarrhea
- Abdominal distension (enlarged)
- Excessive weight loss or an unattractive appearance
- Obstruction of the intestines (in severe cases)
Hookworms can cause a variety of health concerns, including the following:
- Skin rashes and lesions (if larvae penetrate the skin and migrate through the tissues)
- Coughing and wheezing (if larvae penetrate the lungs)
- Diarrhea (with blood)
- Stool with a tarry appearance.
- Loss of weight
- Lack of desire to eat
- Pale lips and gums (secondary to anemia)
While whipworms can be asymptomatic, more severe infections can result in the following symptoms:
- Diarrhea (with blood)
- Loss of weight
- Dehydration
- Anemia
When your cat has tapeworms, he or she may not show any signs of illness, but you may notice worm segments that look like white grains of rice in the following areas:
- On the anus and in the vicinity of the anus
- Secured to the fur around the anal area and beneath the tail.
- This includes being in or on the feces in the litter box.
Lungworm infestations can result in the following symptoms:
- Coughing
- Difficulty in taking a breath
- In addition, when the infestation worsens and the symptoms continue, pneumonia may develop.
Heartworm disease in cats can result in the following symptoms:
- Coughing
- Dyspnea
- A lack of desire to eat
- Lethargy
- Vomiting
- Sudden onset of paralysis
- Seizures
- Unexpected death
Bladder worm infections in some cats may not show any symptoms, but severe cases may result in the following:
- Straining
- Urinary discomfort during urinating
Severe liver fluke infestations can result in the following symptoms:
- Hepatic edema (swelling).
- Distention in the abdomen (swollen belly)
Is it Possible for Humans to Contract Worms from Cats?
Yes, humans can catch worm illnesses from cats if they come into close touch with cat excrement or soil that has been polluted.
The following are examples of common modes of transmission:
- The presence of cats defecating in sandboxes should be avoided at all costs.
- Walking barefoot through soil that has been polluted
- Gardening on soil without gloves is prohibited.
Humans can become infected through accidental intake of contaminated soil or excrement, making appropriate hygiene procedures essential for preventing transmission from cat to owner.
Worms in Cats and How to Get Rid of Them
The first and foremost solution is to use any organic dewormer made for a cat, such as Worm eX from twocrazycatladies. Worm eX has no side effects, and it contains only natural ingredients with zero chemicals that harm your kitty. All world-renowned pet specialists recommend the use of this organic dewormer for cats.
After that, the use of garlic, carrots, pumpkin seeds, apple cider vinegar, and turmeric, among other “home” medicines, helps in treating and preventing worms in felines.
Attempting to treat your cat with over-the-counter medications or natural cures for worms in cats is not suggested under any circumstances.
While it may appear to be a more convenient and cost-efficient option to visiting your veterinary doctor, there is no assurance that those products are safe or helpful in treating any medical condition, and they may even be detrimental to your cat if misused.
An oral and injectable dewormer that will kill the larval and adult worms in the intestine that are present at the time of diagnosis may be prescribed by your veterinarian.
While broad-spectrum prescription medications like Panacur (fenbendazole), Drontal Plus (pyrantel and Praziquantel), and Drontal (Praziquantel, pyrantel, fenbendazole) can be used to treat roundworm, whipworm, hookworm, and tapeworm infections, they must be administered to your cat with care and under your veterinarian’s instructions.
It may be possible that your cat will require additional treatments to eliminate any larvae that may have hatched after the initial dose was administered.
A one-time injectable treatment for tapeworm infections is also available. Praziquantel works by temporarily paralyzing and dislodging the sucker of the worm from the intestinal wall, allowing the worms to be passed in feces once they have been paralyzed and dislodged.
Your veterinarian may prescribe that you start your cat on a monthly topical or oral flea prevention regimen because tapeworm infections can return if there are fleas in the environment where you live.
Cats with Worms: Natural Treatments at Home
In addition to being questionably effective and pricey, commercial drugs have the potential to disturb your cat’s natural intestinal health. This has the potential to hinder your cat’s capacity to absorb nutrients, potentially resulting in nutritional deficiencies. As a result, home cures for worms in cats have become increasingly popular. Take a look at these:
- Pumpkin seeds: extremely anti-parasitic and packed with beneficial vitamins and minerals, pumpkin seeds have been shown to destroy larval and adult tapeworms in laboratory tests. Add about one teaspoon of finely crushed pumpkin seeds to your cat’s food daily for at least three weeks to reap the nutritional benefits. Other natural foods include turmeric (approximately 1/8th of a teaspoon per 10 pounds of body weight, once a day for ten days) and papaya (1/2 of a teaspoon of finely chopped fruit once every day for two weeks), all of which are beneficial.
- Parsley water: The leaves of that herb can be used to make a homemade “tea,” which can be given to your cat to act as a gentle and natural diuretic. It is high in antioxidants and nutrients, and it also helps to maintain a healthy digestive tract. It’s as easy as boiling a bunch of fresh parsley in a pot of water, straining it, and setting it aside to cool. Pour 1/2 tablespoon of the cooled tea into your cat’s water bowl and leave it there for a total of 10 days.
- Throughout the year, administer your cat with routine flea and tick preventative medication.
- Use sprays, traps, and other measures to reduce your cat’s exposure to other wildlife in and around your home and yard.
Is it possible for me to Deworm My Cat Myself?
In kittens, gastrointestinal parasites (GI parasites) are a relatively prevalent disease that should be addressed with standard prophylactic measures and proactive treatment when necessary.
Standard Deworming Procedures
All kittens should be treated for general parasites such as roundworms and hookworms at the ages of 2, 4, and 6 weeks to ensure that they are free of these parasites. This can be accomplished at a veterinarian’s office or home.
If you want to deworm a kitten at home, you’ll need three things: a digital scale, a one-milliliter syringe, and a vial of natural oral dewormer, which you can buy online or at your local pet supply store. Pyrantel pamoate 50mg/ml suspension is what you’ll need to get started. Follow the tips on the label for dosage. Regardless of the age at which you deworm, always be sure to follow up with at least one additional dose two weeks after the initial treatment.
Additional Deworming Procedure
Some kittens will be infected with parasites that are not covered by your usual dewormer, such as tapeworms, coccidia, or giardia, and will require veterinary treatment. If the kitten has been dewormed, but her excrement still does not appear to be normal, take her to the veterinarian for a fecal check to rule out any other parasites.
Giardia is another protozoan infection that causes soft, frothy, and oily diarrhea, which can be treated with Panacur if caught early enough. Coccidia is a terrible tiny single-celled organism that causes mucousy diarrhea in kittens. It can be treated with the prescription medicine Ponazuril, which is available only through veterinarians. It is common to find tapeworms in kittens who have had fleas, and they may be visible in their feces (they look like disgusting small grains of white rice); you will need to treat your cat with Praziquantel to get rid of the tapeworms.
If your kitten is experiencing diarrhea, mucousy or extra-stinky feces, or any other digestive issues, take him to the veterinarian for a fecal exam to discover which parasite is causing the problem and acquire a prescription medicine. Only a veterinarian is qualified to provide an accurate diagnosis and administer appropriate therapy. Do not delay taking your pet to the veterinarian within 24-48 hours if you feel that he or she has parasites. Separate your affected pet from the other animals in the house to avoid cross-contamination. Parasites are generally straightforward to treat, but they can be fatal if left untreated in a bit of kitten.
The Consequences of Failure to Treat Worms in Cats Properly
If left untreated, worm infestations may be detrimental to your cat’s health and well-being, and in some cases, they can be fatal.
In order to reach the stomach, larvae must pass through the organs and tissues of the body, where they can cause significant health problems such as skin infections, blindness, convulsions, and pneumonia, depending on where they travel through the body.
Blood loss and other nutrients that the small intestines should absorb can result in weight loss, progressive anemia, dehydration, and even death if not addressed.
Prevention of Worms in Cats
The use of parasite prevention medications such as Worm eX (natural dewormer for cats) on a year-round basis can help prevent cat worm infections and transmission.
Additionally, the cat litter box must be cleaned every day. The litter must be changed regularly. The litter box must be scrubbed periodically if you want to prevent your indoor cat from becoming infected with the worms.