While obesity is a common health problem in cats, many of them also suffer from underweight. Gaining weight growth, like losing weight, can be a problematic issue for cats. It isn’t only a matter of adjusting food portions.
Two factors can cause a slim cat:
- They aren’t eating enough
- Expelling more calories than consuming
They may be undereating due to stress, oral disease, sickness, or various other factors. Another reason a cat may be skinny is a lack of food.
When veterinarians discuss a cat’s weight, they typically refer to feline obesity. While a slim cat isn’t always a sign of a medical issue, if you think your cat is skinny, you should arrange an appointment with your veterinarian to determine what’s causing the weight loss.
How to Make a Cat Fat
The following steps can help your cat to gain weight:
- Determine whether or not your cat is underweight.
- Make sure that your slim cat is in good health.
- Try with new foods.
- Make more appealing food
- Provide food and nutritional supplements.
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Is your Feline Friend Underweight?
Age, breed, degree of exercise, and overall health determine your cat’s weight. A typical housecat weighs around ten pounds. Even when fully grown, some breeds may weigh half as much. Even at twice that weight, some species may be healthy.
You should be capable of feeling the ribs and backbone of most cats but not be able to see them. To see if your cat is too skinny, use a weight calculator.
However, speaking with your veterinarian is the best method to determine whether or not your cat needs to gain weight.
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Make Sure Your Skinny Cat Is In Good Health
Adult cats who are in good health tend to maintain their weight over time. As a result, if your cat is losing weight, it could be suffering from a medical condition.
The first step in fatten up an underweight cat is a visit to the veterinarian. The veterinarian will look for:
Disorders of the Gastrointestinal Tract
Gastroenteritis, diarrhea, constipation, and pancreatitis are all frequent gastrointestinal problems in cats. However, many can be cured in a matter of days. Others, on the other hand, may necessitate long-term management.
Internal Parasites
Internal parasites are also frequent in cats who appear to be in good health. Parasites can be wormlike or minuscule single-cell organisms.
Roundworms, hookworms, and tapeworms are wormlike parasites. Microscopic organisms include isospora and giardia.
Dental Illness
Aging cats, like people, are susceptible to tooth disease. So your cat is likely to avoid eating because of her sore teeth and gums.
An overactive thyroid gland causes this condition, which is quite frequent in senior cats. Increased appetite, often accompanied by vomiting and weight loss is a common symptom.
Diabetes in Cats
Diabetes can have symptoms similar to hyperthyroidism in aged cats, such as increased hunger and weight loss. Thirst and urination are other common symptoms.
Unfortunately, cancer and tumors are the leading causes of death in cats. It could be an indication of a gastrointestinal tumor if your cat is losing weight.
Visual Impairment and Arthritis
A senior cat may have trouble going to the food bowl, especially if she has arthritis or loses sight.
Kidney Illness
Another reason for weight loss in older cats is kidney illness. Increased thirst and urination are also signs of this illness. Bloody urine, vomiting, and diarrhea may be present in your cat.
Smell sense Isn’t Working
It’s possible that your pet’s sense of smell isn’t as sharp as it once was. Her dinner might not smell as enticing as it once did.
A cat’s appetite will likely be affected by medicines. Before modifying the dose or quitting any prescribed medications, consult your veterinarian.
Using a Different Food to Assist a Cat in Gaining Weight
A change in nutrition could be the key to gaining weight in a slim cat. A new dish that is sweeter or has a different texture may entice her to consume more calories. The nutritional importance of the meal is also crucial. The ideal foods for cats to help them acquire weight tend to include:
- High fat and calorie content
- Explicitly designed for kittens
- It must consist of as many animal products as feasible
- Produced with a bit of quantity of plant-based ingredients
Before making a significant adjustment in your slim cat’s food, consult your veterinarian. Some cats may require a higher calorie diet and may benefit from a high-calorie, canned therapeutic food supplement. A highly digestible meal rich in antioxidants, omega-3, and -6 fatty acids, and prebiotics may help older cats maintain their weight.
To avoid gastrointestinal distress, all adjustments should be implemented gradually. Before changing your cat’s food or providing them nutritional supplements, always consult your veterinarian. A veterinarian should always supervise a pet weight loss program.
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Supplements and Snacks for the Underweight Cat
Another option for fattening up a cat is to use a cat weight increase supplement. These items may assist your cat in gaining weight. However, before you try any of them, be sure your veterinarian approves.
Underweight Cats’ Alternative Snacks
Our pantries provide some other short-term sources of cat food for weight increase. Eggs are an excellent choice because they are packed in protein and calories.
Canned fish is commonly accepted and is an excellent source of nutrition. Flavorings and Seasonings that can make your cat sick should not be included in these human foods.
Without your vet’s permission, they should not be used as a long-term alternative for a completely prepared cat meal.
Make a Plan of Action for Your Cat’s Future
After you and your veterinarian have worked out a treatment strategy for the underlying condition, you may focus on the difficult task of weight gain. Based on your cat’s age and medical conditions, your veterinarian will most likely provide particular recommendations.
The best outcome is likely to come from a diet tailored to your cat’s medical condition. Your veterinarian will also determine your cat’s optimal weight and perform regular weigh-ins to ensure that your plan is working and that your cat is not exceeding their ideal weight.
Returning to a healthy weight for unwell cats is much more than simply calories. Diets for various diseases are tailored to include the correct macronutrients and micronutrients to promote weight growth while addressing the disease’s specific issues.
Make Sure That the Food Meets its Nutritional Requirements
Cats are carnivores by nature. This means that cats must obtain critical nutrients from animal products to maintain their health.
On a dry matter basis, cats’ natural prey, such as tiny rodents, are believed to comprise roughly 55 percent protein, 45 percent fat, and 1–2 percent carbohydrate.
Although carbs make up only 1-2 percent of prey’s macronutrient breakdown, most cats may use up to 40% of their diet as a source of energy in the form of carbohydrates. Dry food has a higher carbohydrate content than wet food.
Calculate How Much Your Cat Should be Fed
It’s time to figure out the correct amount sizes once you’ve discovered a food that meets your cat’s needs while also getting them enthusiastic about mealtime.
In general, it’s ideal for calculating your cat’s resting metabolic demands and then giving this quantity of calories plus 20% more for progressive and healthy weight gain. Your veterinarian can assist you in converting this into the proper amount of food to feed.
Guidelines for Assisting a Cat in Gaining Weight
It’s critical to address the underlying health issues, choose the right food, and figure out how much to eat to be successful. But that’s only the beginning. After you’ve worked everything out, you’ll need to develop a feeding schedule.
Here are various pointers on how to get your cat to eat consistently and gain weight safely.
- Small, Frequent Meals Should be Consumed.
The stomach of a cat is about the same size as a ping-pong ball. So it’s natural for your cat to not consume everything at once.
Feed one tablespoon of food every few hours, whether your cat prefers wet food, dry food, or both. Small, regular meals are tolerated more quickly than large meals, and they can lower the risk of vomiting afterward.
- Warming Wet Food for Your Cat
The smell of their food encourages cats to eat. Warming wet food helps to make it more scented and appealing to your cat. Put your cat’s food in a microwave-safe bowl and heat it for a few seconds to warm it up. Most cats prefer to be at or near their body temperature, 38.5°C (101.5°F).
- Between Meals, Provide the Right Snacks
Healthy snacks in between meals might help your cat gain weight. Between meals, try luring your cat with a few high-protein, easy bits of freeze-dried chicken, such as PureBites chicken breast freeze-dried raw cat treats.
- Reduce Anxiety in Your Cat
A contented cat is a happy cat, and contented cats are more inclined to eat well. Solitary hunters and solitary eaters, cats are. That is, no one is harassing them while eating their meals.
When your cat is sick, it’s natural to want to keep an eye on them. However, if you allow your cat some room, they will most likely eat better.
- Consult your Veterinarian about Appetite-Stimulating Medications
Your veterinarian can prescribe a few medications to assist in stimulating your cat’s appetite.
Your cat will feel the urge to eat an hour or so after taking the drug. You can even ask your veterinarian if the drug can be obtained in a transdermal version (a gel or patch applied to the gums or skin) so that you don’t have to deliver a tablet.