Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Cats?

Most cat owners know that cats shouldn’t eat lilies, especially those in the Lilium and Hemerocallis families. One to two leaves of Asiatic, Easter, Japanese Show, and daylilies can induce abrupt renal failure. Even the pollen and the water in the vase are seen as potentially dangerous. If you have a cat and some Peace Lilies, you might think that are they poisonous to cats?

And the answer to that question is “YES.” Peace lilies are somewhat poisonous to cats due to the occurrence of calcium oxalate crystals, which are so small and sharp that they can pierce the soft tissues in the cat’s mouth.

Because of this, you are responsible for using extreme care as the owner of both a cat and Peace Lilies.

What are Peace Lilies?

The peace lily, also known as Spathiphyllum, is a common houseplant with glossy, bright green, oval leaves and a prominent, big, white spathe surrounding small flowers. These characteristics give the plant its common name. These are some of the most frequent species:

  • Spathiphyllum commutatum (Bischerad)
  • Spathiphyllum wallesii (Mauna Loa peace lily)
  • Spathiphyllum floribundum (snowflower)
  • Spathiphyllum clevelandii (white Anthurium)

Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Cats?

Cats should not ingest the peace lily since it is poisonous to them. If consumed, they can induce nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, lethargy, seizures, unconsciousness, and even death. The Peace Lily, a member of the Araceae family, is still somewhat poisonous to cats and other feline companions. This is because these houseplants contain painful reactions-causing calcium oxalate crystals within various plant sections, such as the leaves and stems.

If your kitty chews any portion of this plant, the oxalate crystals in this plant will be immersed by the soft tissues of your cat, resulting in an unfavorable response.

Why Are Peace Lilies Poisonous to Cats?

The Mauna Loa Plant, commonly known as Peace Lilies, is poisonous to cats due to the presence of calcium oxalate crystals within the plant. The crystals are released whenever your cat eats any part of this plant, including the leaves and stems. An injury will occur when the crystals work their way into your cat’s tissues.

It is not necessary to consume the plant to sustain an illness. It can hurt the cat very badly just by being in its mouth.

Peace Lilies are moderately harmful to cats, although less so than daylilies. Because the Peace Lily is not considered to be a real lily, the toxins contained inside it are unable to cause any harm to the liver or kidneys of your cat. However, it is essential to remember that your feline companions should never be exposed to any lily.

What Kind of Symptoms Do Cats Show When Peace Lilies Poison Them?

Your cat may exhibit any combination of the following symptoms during the first 12 hours after consuming the peace lily:

  • Decreased activity levels
  • Drooling
  • Vomiting
  • Loss of appetite
  • Nausea
  • Pawing at the mouth
  • Blistering inside the mouth or in the throat
  • Stomach upset

Kidney failure typically develops after the initial twelve hours. In the first 18 to 20 hours after intake, symptoms may include an excessive amount of urine passed as well as dehydration.

After about 18 hours after intake, the damage to the kidneys becomes severe enough to be irreversible. Those cats who manage to make it through this point will always require medical care.

If the poison is removed before permanent harm, your cat may recover, but dialysis may be needed. Your cat will eventually die from renal failure if they are not treated in any way. After an ingesting time of between 24 and 72 hours, this results in death.


Do not freak out if you believe your cat has consumed peace lily; your feline friend will most likely be alright, but you must take them to the veterinarian as soon as possible after making this finding. Bring a sample of the plant with you to the veterinarian so they can identify what your cat has consumed.

The good news is that if your cat has only had a little taste, the discomfort will probably go away within a couple of hours, and you may not even need to take them to the veterinarian. You might try giving your cat a tiny quantity of yogurt or milk that has been refrigerated to help alleviate the burning sensation but be careful not to give your cat too much dairy, as this can lead to diarrhea in kitties.

How to Keep Cats from Consuming Peace Lilies?

Prevention is always your best choice when it comes to avoiding poisonous circumstances. There are a few approaches that might be helpful in preventing your cat from destroying your Peace Lily.

Citrus Zest Spray

Cats don’t like citrus at all. This indicates that citrus fruits like oranges, grapefruits, and lemons will stop your cat from approaching. Homemade citrus zest sprays are the most effective and efficient method available. Bring one liter of water with citrus zest to a boil in a saucepan. Ten minutes should be enough time for it to rest and absorb the flavor. The liquid should be sprayed on and around your plants using a spray bottle.

Pepper and Mustard Sprays

Mix a few teaspoons of mustard with water, then spray or sprinkle it on your Peace Lily and its pot. You may do this once every few days if you like. Pepper may be applied to the plant in two ways: immediately sprinkling it on or diluting it in hot water with several tablespoons of crushed pepper and then allowing it to cool. After straining the mixture, apply it to your plant as a spray.

Lemon Thyme, Lavender, or Rosemary

Plant these around the peace lily plants in your garden to keep cats away. Alternatively, you may soak dried herbs in boiling water with a bit of cinnamon for several hours. After straining the mixture, follow up with the addition of some white vinegar. Agitate and spray.

Coffee Grounds

As a repellent and a fertilizer, coffee grounds are always a good choice. Take used coffee grounds and scatter them in a circle around the plant’s trunk and roots. For maximum efficacy, carry out these steps regularly using freshly ground coffee. Throw away stale coffee grounds if they have any symptoms of mold.

Garlic Cloves

Garlic cloves that have been halved can be scattered over the plant’s root system. You may also halve an onion and then wipe the sliced side of the onion along the rim of the plant container.

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