Cats are naturally very inquisitive animals. They love to play with anything they can get their paws on, including indoor plants. If you enjoy indoor plants, you may have noticed that your cat sometimes observes the plants and sometimes even goes so far as to taste or nibble on them.
If you have lilacs growing in your yard, you might wonder: “Are Lilacs Poisonous to Cats?”
Although the common lilac plant, also known as Syringa vulgaris, is completely harmless to cats. The Persian lilac, which belongs to the Melia genus, is extremely dangerous for kitties. Ingestion of Persian lilac can lead to gastrointestinal pain, weakening of the muscles, tremors, and even convulsions. However, depending on how much lilac your cat has consumed, the sickness it causes can range from mild to life-threatening.
In this article, we will discuss whether lilacs are dangerous for cats.
Are Lilacs Poisonous for Cats to Eat?
Given that there are 20–25 different kinds of flowering lilacs, the subject of whether or not lilacs pose a threat to cats is challenging to address. The vast majority, including the familiar lilac plant (Syringa vulgaris), is completely risk-free for cats and other animals to interact with. However, unlike actual lilacs, Persian lilacs are extremely poisonous to cats and can even be lethal if ingested.
Keep in mind that cats are classified as carnivores by nature. As a result, the digestive tract of these animals treats plant materials as foreign substances. Because of this, any amount of lilac that your kitty consumes has the potential to irritate its stomach, which can result in a broad variety of gastrointestinal problems. The severity of the adverse effects might vary widely depending on the amount of the plant and which section of the plant the cat consumed.
What Parts of Lilac Are Poisonous to Cats?
Gardeners take pleasure in cultivating lilac bushes because of the lovely flowers they produce and the delicious fragrance they give off. Unfortunately for people who own cats as pets, Lilacs can be a threat to their feline companions. The plant is known to be hazardous to cats because of several poisonous components. It is essential to understand which components of the lilac plant are poisonous to cats and how to keep them from coming into touch with these components so that you can keep your feline companion safe.
The flowers and leaves of the lilac are the parts of the plant that are the most poisonous. Ingestion of the leaves containing cyanogenic glycosides, a class of poisonous chemicals, can result in gastrointestinal distress, including nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea. These glycosides may also be found in the flowers, although in far lower concentrations than in the leaves. In addition, the sap of the lilac tree contains an allergen known as coumarin, which, if it comes into touch with your cat’s fur, can result in skin irritation and dermatitis.
The great news is that kitties aren’t usually interested in lilacs, so they aren’t likely to eat the plant. Despite this, it is essential that you are aware of the possible risk and take measures to avoid your cat from getting into touch with the harmful components contained in the lilac.
The initial step is to prohibit your cat from reaching the lilac shrub. If you have a garden, you must ensure that the lilac is grown in a location inaccessible to your cat. If the shrub is in the way of your cat’s access, you might want to try trimming it back or relocating it to a different spot.
In addition, you should examine your cat regularly to look for any indications of skin irritation or stomach discomfort. If you see any of these signs, check if your cat has been near a lilac bush. If you have any reason to believe that your kitty may have consumed any potentially harmful components, you should call your veterinarian as soon as possible.
Which Lilac Types are Poisonous to Cats?
If you have kitties, you should avoid plants like Persian Lilacs and French Lilacs since both of these types are poisonous substances that might affect your kitty. Let’s explore a little more into each of these topics:
Persian Lilacs
Persian lilacs are poisonous to felines. Although various names know it, the plant is most frequently referred to as a Chinaberry tree. There are a few other names for this plant, including Texas Umbrella Tree, Pride-of-India Tree, Japanese Bead Tree, Pride-of-Paradise Tree, and White Cedar.
The plant will reach around 8 feet at maturation, making it significantly shorter than a typical lilac plant. The lilac flowers are also smaller and lighter in color. Tetranortriterpenes, also known as meliatoxins, may be found in the plant’s blossoms, bark, stem, and foliage. These parts of the plant are hazardous to cats. The berries are the most dangerous component of the plant.
French Lilacs
The unique species of French lilacs only produce flowers for a short period during the springtime season. The flowers can have a variety of colors, including white, pink, violet, or blue. Because it contains a chemical known as galegin, which is neurotoxic, this plant may be extremely hazardous to the health of cats and other small animals.
What Are the Symptoms of Poisoning From Lilacs?
The common lilac is not believed to be harmful to most animals; nonetheless, it is not edible, and the intake of plant matter can cause many animals to experience gastrointestinal distress. If you believe that your cat has consumed plants, you should call your veterinarian as soon as possible to see whether or not there is a possibility that they have consumed something that might be harmful to them.
However, intake of plant matter almost always results in either vomiting or diarrhea, in addition to overall stomach distress. While these are minor symptoms, take your feline companion to the emergency vet if they are severe.
Why Do Cats Like Lilacs So Much?
Lilacs are incredibly inspiring to cats because they may develop into towering trees ideal for the feline climbing hobby. Scratching tree bark is another favorite activity of kitties, which helps them maintain the health of their claws. These are the primary reasons your cat might be interested in a lilac tree in your yard or nearby.
As carnivores, cats rarely consume plants. You should be warned, however, that cats can die from toxicity in their bodies caused by eating certain plants. As long as the lilac tree is a common lilac and not a Persian or French lilac, you don’t have to worry about your cat getting sick.