Why my Cat Drool After Surgery?

Is it possible for you to notice your cat drooling? If you’re a cat owner, you might be wondering what it signifies when your cat starts drooling. Here we tell you all about it.

Drooling in cats is not as common because cats have greater salivary glands and obligate carnivores. However, there are various possible causes of drooling in cats that should be considered. The key to determining the cause is examining the situation, getting to know your cat, and consulting with your veterinarian when necessary.

What is Drooling?

Cats are not prone to excessive drooling. A veterinarian evaluation is the most practical line of action due to the rarity of the occurrence to evaluate if the drooling is harmless or dangerous. The earlier a health problem is recognized, the greater the likelihood that it can be successfully addressed. If mouth injuries are left untreated for an extended period, secondary bacterial infections can develop.

A variety of factors can cause a cat’s salivation or drool. While drooling is a normal bodily function, excessive drooling, also known as hypersalivation, can be a source of concern for certain animals. Usually, in cats, normal drooling is associated with feelings of excitement or pleasure. Drooling that is not typical appears quickly and can linger for several hours. When a cat becomes overheated, he or she may begin to hypersalivate. Specific ailments, injuries, and viruses can also cause a cat to drool excessively, as can certain medications.

Symptoms of Drooling

While the majority of drooling symptoms are related to the mouth, numerous underlying disorders can manifest themselves in various ways throughout the body. All of these secondary indications should be documented since they can aid in identifying the underlying health problem. The following are examples of warning signs:

  • Drooling that is excessive (sometimes lasting for hours)
  • Blood in the saliva
  • Unpleasant odor
  • Inability to consume food or liquids
  • Inflammation of the mouth or formation of lumps in the mouth
  • Vomiting
  • Gaping and gnashing of teeth
  • Weakness
  • Lethargy
  • Swelling of the lymph nodes
  • Difficult breathing

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Various Reasons in Cats for Drooling

The cause of excessive drooling may be localized to the mouth, or it may be a symptom of a severe underlying condition, such as diabetes. Sudden onset is frequently associated with more significant problems. While cats may drool for a variety of causes, the following are the most commonly encountered.

  • Excitement
  • Nervousness
  • Being close to delectable cuisine
  • Poisoning
  • Adverse reactions to medications
  • Foreign object lodged in the mouth tissue
  • Teething (in kittens)
  • Injuries to the tongue or the mouth
  • Stinging insects
  • Gingivitis and other forms of periodontal disease
  • Abscessed tooth
  • Stomatitis is a type of oral ulcer (inflammation of the mouth and lips)
  • Heartburn and acid reflux
  • Rabies
  • Pseudorabies
  • Oral cancer
  • Nausea
  • Respiratory infection of the upper respiratory tract
  • Shunting of the liver
  • Chronic renal failure is a condition that occurs over time.
  • Heat exhaustion
  • Viruses (such as feline immunodeficiency virus, feline leukemia virus, or feline herpesvirus)

Normal drooling in Cats

Drooling is frequent in particular cats when they are kneading or purring, and this is not uncommon. Drooling is generally interpreted as a sign of satisfaction and relaxation, and it may be traced back to kittenhood. When kittens are nursing, they will frequently massage their paws against their mothers’ breasts to increase milk release. These behaviors include comforting and delicious food and a nurturing attachment between mother and kitten. By the time cats reach adulthood, their feelings of contentment frequently lead to kneading, which causes drooling due to the relationship between nursing and behavior. The kneading and drooling are commonly accompanied by purring.

If your healthy cat climbs into your lap and begins “baking biscuits” while purring, do not be startled if you notice some drooling. This is quite normal, and it is most likely one of how your cat expresses her affection for you.

Cats are not known to drool when they see something tasty. It is possible, though, that this will occur. If your cat drools at the sight or smell of food but does not at other times, there is usually nothing to be concerned about in this situation.

Drooling may occur temporarily in cats due to stress or fright, such as during vehicle rides, vet appointments, or loud activities. If the drooling and anxiety are only temporary and disappear on their own, there is probably no reason to be concerned about them. Talk to your veterinarian about your cat’s stress level if it appears to be excessively stressful frequently.

Drooling in Cats That Isn’t Normal

If your cat’s drooling is continual, there may be a medical issue going on. This is particularly true if the drooling cannot be linked to feelings of contentment or eating. Regardless of how healthy they appear, all cats are recommended to see their veterinarian at least once a year for periodic wellness checkups. Often, your veterinarian will be able to discover problems before your cat exhibits any symptoms.

If you see abnormal drooling between routine vet appointments, you should contact your doctor immediately to discuss it. Your cat may require medical attention. Various health concerns might induce drooling in cats and necessitate the need for veterinary care.

Diseases of the Mouth and the Teeth

Cats can develop various oral and dental problems that go unnoticed until they cause severe disease or discomfort. The cat will frequently salivate excessively as a result of this discomfort. Drooling in cats can be caused by various conditions, including mouth ulcers, tooth injuries, gum disease, resorptive lesions, and infections, to name a few.

In order to detect indicators of dental and oral disorders in your cat, your veterinarian will check his or her mouth. If your veterinarian discovers dental disease, he or she will likely recommend a professional dental cleaning, as well as tooth extractions if necessary. This procedure must be performed under anesthesia to be effective. To address your cat’s dental and mouth issues, it may be required to administer medications such as antibiotics.


When a cat is feeling queasy or has recently vomited, he or she may frequently drool. Nausea and vomiting in cats can be caused by various factors, including internal parasites, kidney disease, and gastrointestinal disorders in humans. If your cat appears nauseated, vomits, or has a low appetite, it is recommended to take him to the veterinarian.

Following the inspection, your veterinarian may propose laboratory testing to understand better organ function, blood cells, and urine composition. The results can assist in determining the following stages in terms of diagnoses and treatment alternatives.

Foreign Entity

It is conceivable that your cat will drool if anything gets lodged in his mouth during playtime.

In some instances, the thread is wrapped around something in the stomach or intestines, and pulling on it might cause serious injury. In addition to the thread, other possible oral foreign bodies include toy components, grass, or any other plant material. You should not remove a string that appears to be sticking out of your cat’s mouth. Instead, make a way to the nearest open veterinarian practice.

Exposure to Toxins

Excess salivation can occur in cats that have licked, chewed on, or consumed a deadly chemical due to their actions.

Poisonous flora, caustic chemicals, and hazardous foods are all examples of this. In addition to oral poisons, several topical toxins such as insecticides or flea and tick preventatives that are not intended for cats can cause drooling. If you have reason to believe your cat has been exposed to something harmful, take your cat to the nearest open veterinarian as soon as possible.

You should continue with caution if you notice something else in your cat’s mouth and decide to try to remove it. Not only might you endanger your cat’s health, but you also run the risk of being bitten yourself! When you have an oral foreign body, it’s always ideal for getting to the vet as soon as possible.


Injury to the mouth can often result in excessive salivation as a result of the damage.

Cats who have chewed on electrical cables may suffer mouth burns, which may result in excessive drooling. A cat hit by a car may have a fractured jaw, which will result in drooling. Drooling is common among cats who have suffered oral injuries in catfights. Even though there is no visible indication of damage on the outside, drooling is a clue that you have to take your pet to the veterinarian.

If your cat is drooling and you can’t figure out what’s causing it, call your veterinarian immediately. Cats are masters at concealing their disease. Most of the time, they will not show signs of illness until they are quite ill. When in doubt, don’t hesitate to act. Make an appointment with the veterinarian.

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Diagnosis of Drooling in Cats

As you take your kitty to the veterinarian, be careful to provide the veterinarian with a complete medical history to identify any underlying reasons for excessive drooling. The veterinarian will do a thorough physical and oral examination of the patient. The cat may require to be sedated for the oral examination to be successful. All indicators will be recorded and compared to possible health problems to determine which ones are most likely. The veterinarian will examine the animal’s mouth for visible injuries, abscesses, foreign objects, or lumps within the oral cavity.

An extensive range of blood tests will almost certainly be recommended, including a complete blood count to assist detect anemia or the presence of malignancy, as well as a biochemical profile to look for indicators of metabolic disorders. Once it comes to determining how well the kidneys are functioning, urinalysis is helpful. A bile acid blood test will provide information on the health of the liver. Urine cultures may be used to diagnose bacterial illnesses that are present in the body. X-rays or ultrasounds may be used in combination to check organ health or to find cancers or lesions in the mouth or body. If any masses are discovered, a biopsy may be required.

Treatment of Drooling in Cats

The most suitable way of treatment will be determined by the underlying problem that has been diagnosed. The need for treatment is only necessary if a medical condition is present.


If your cat has been poisoned, it may be necessary to empty its stomach, depending on when the poisoning occurred. To counteract the effects of the poison, some drugs may be supplied, and activated charcoal may be administered to prevent the poison from being absorbed into the body.

Dental Problems

If abscesses or cavities are discovered, they may be required to do dental surgery. It may also be necessary to extract a single tooth or several teeth. Any wounds should be cleansed, and antibiotics may be administered to help prevent infection from spreading.


If a malignant tumor is discovered, it may be necessary to seek surgical removal. This is only achievable in specific sites where tumor growth has taken place. When fighting cancer on a microscopic level, radiation therapy and chemotherapy are both effective options.

Infection of the upper respiratory tract

Many upper respiratory infections (URIs) are caused by viral infections, which have no effective treatment. Supportive care can be quite beneficial in the rehabilitation process. This involves intravenous fluid delivery, medicines, humidifiers, and the use of appetite stimulants, among other things.

Issues with the kidneys or liver

Depending on the rigorousness of the issues, the cat may require continued care and drug administration for the rest of its life. It may be necessary to adopt a special diet to ease the symptoms of various organ disorders.

The Presence of a Foreign Body

It might be necessary to sedate the cat to remove a foreign body, producing salivation. Surgery may be required in some instances.

Recovery of Drooling in Cats

If your cat has undergone surgery as part of his or her treatment, you will need to adhere to all of the at-home care instructions supplied by the veterinarian. This will include checking for symptoms of infection near the incision site and keeping an eye on your cat. The administration of pain relievers, medications, and antibiotics may be required daily. Your veterinarian will schedule follow-up consultations with you to check on the operation site’s healing and assess the cat’s overall health.

The sort of health problem that has been diagnosed has a significant impact on the patient’s prognosis. Dental issues are typically resolved through surgical treatment, cleaning, and establishing a solid oral health routine. The speed with which the poisoning was discovered and the consumed substance play a role in recovering from the poisoning. The prognosis for kidney and liver disease is uncertain, and therapy is frequently required for the rest of one’s life. The majority of cats will recover from an upper respiratory infection in most cases. If a virus is the underlying cause of the illness, it may remain in the cat’s system indefinitely. The prognosis for cancer is determined by how quickly it is treated and how aggressive the malignancy is. You will need to place a quarantine around your cat if it is suspected of having rabies. Vaccines to prevent rabies should be administered at your pet’s annual veterinary checkup.

How to Look After the Cat after a Surgery

If your cat has undergone a surgery that required sedation or general anesthesia, here is what you should do to ensure that they recover quickly:

Maintain control over their eating habits

  • For the first three meals following the operation, feed your cat bland cat meat.
  • Tinned super meat in chicken and fish flavors has a higher protein content, which aids in the healing process of your cat. In addition, because their gut motility (the movement of food through your cat’s digestive system) slows down during the pre-operation hunger and anesthesia procedure, the food is easily digested.
  • Avoid tinned jelly and gravy products because they are high in fat and may induce diarrhea in some people.

Put a protective collar around their necks

When your cat bites, licks, or scratches at their wounds while healing, they need to be restrained with a collar. This is an essential part of the healing process.

  • If there is a potential that your cat will interfere with their wound or cause self-trauma, always use the protective collar.
  • The collar should be small enough to allow your cat to eat and drink without being restrained. If your cat denies eating or drinking while wearing the collar, you can temporarily remove it for meals.
  • It only takes a few minutes of self-trauma to a freshly healed wound for your cat to require several additional days of recovery following an operation. The protective collar serves a specific function in this situation. If your cat has attempted to relieve irritation by licking or chewing on the collar before, they are likely to try it again if the collar is removed.

How to care for incision wounds

  • Examine the wound for signs of significant swelling or drainage from the injury.
  • Keep the wound as clean as possible.
  • A reaction to the suture material may produce a small amount of swelling and create the appearance of a puckered wound on your cat’s wound. This should collapse within a day or two.
  • Inability to lick or gnaw at the area will exacerbate healing and result in more swelling, irritation, and the chance of infection.

Taking good care of stitches or sutures

  • Be on the lookout for your cat licking or gnawing at its external stitches.
  • Most of the sutures are inserted beneath the skin’s surface, and the material employed is biodegradable.
  • Your veterinarian, around ten days, will remove external suture material that is non-dissolvable following the operation.
  • Cats might be irritated by having stitches in their bodies, and their instinct is to try to scratch or gnaw them out. Be sure that they are wearing their protective collar.


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