Why Do Cats Hide When They Are Sick?

It’s common for cats to need their private space and be alone for some time. But if your pet is friendly and you’re used to seeing them nearby maximum of the time, a hiding pet could be a warning flag on their well-being.

If your cat is hiding out in unusual spots away from you and not desiring to get out, here’s what you need to understand.

Why Do Few Cats Hide When They’re Sick?

It has been long proved that felines kept their evolutionary hunting instincts. While they’re household cats, they still hold much of the wild instincts that more giant cats own. This relation can partially clarify why your pet might disappear when they’re sick.

That wild instinct can create ill kitties more protective of themselves. The unwritten law in the wild is ‘hunt or become hunted’. For this reason, your feline buddy might disappear when they are ill to avoid being a victim.

While your house doesn’t possess predators sneaking around like the wild, cats will usually quarantine themselves for security anyway. Cats may also try to hide their discomfort as a survival plan, so predators don’t notice them as weak.

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Why Else Might Your Cat Be Hiding?

Predators like to use the simple step out when they seek their next meals. Ultimately, why waste all of your energy overpowering and tracking healthy prey when weak or ill victims can’t fight back? In the wild, sick creatures naturally, avoid predators by getting hidden resting spaces.

Although your sick or harmed pet is in no threat in your house, their instincts trigger the instant urge to find a secure hiding place. Cats are frequently found at the back of closets, under beds, or after a stack of boxes in the parking lot when they don’t feel healthy or are hurt.

Hiding is mainly usual in cats but can happen in any creature. Hiding does not every time indicate that your cat is unwell or injured, but sickness or pain may be the cause for the behavior if you also mark any of these symptoms:


●     Odd Postures

Is your cat arched over or hugged strongly against the wall? Do they appear to favour a limb? Changes in your cat’s usual posture may be an indication of an injury or disease.

If you notice your furry friend in an uncomfortable position, it could be because relaxing down creates breathing difficulty or points extreme pressure on an injury or sore.

●     Lack of Appetite

Just like humans, felines lose interest in food when they don’t feel good. If your cat’s meal is untouched and the water bowl is still whole, you may blame an illness.

In a few cases, your cat, rabbit, or dog likely avoids consumption if it’s too painful to step far or manage stairs due to joint problems, arthritis, or injury. Sadly, your cat may soon become dehydrated or weak without water and food.

●     Difficulty Walking

If you manage to persuade your cat out of a hiding spot, do they have difficulty walking? Illness, hip dysplasia, arthritis, injury, stroke, or other neurological complication may cause your cat to limp, favour a limb, or drag its hind legs.

●     No Interest in Going Outside or Using the Litter Box

Cats that don’t eat will undoubtedly need to eliminate much less than usual. Failure to eliminate can also happen if your feline has a urinary blockage or an intestinal, both of which are probably life-threatening situations.

If your cat hasn’t defecated or urinated in a day, it’s time to visit the vet. Accidents may also happen if your cat or dog has trouble walking.

●     Constant Purring

Kitties don’t just purr when they’re fortunate but may also make noise when they are in trouble. If your pet is in solitude and spends much time purring, an illness or injury can be a case.

●     Irritability

Do you tend to become a little irritable when you don’t feel healthy or your joints hurt? Your furry friend may also become aggressive or irritable when they’re ill or injured.

●     Vomiting or diarrhea

It’s not always obvious to say if your cat is vomiting or has diarrhea if they keep moving from one hiding place to another. Although you might not notice any puddles the time you step into a room, your nose may inform you that something isn’t pretty accurate.

If not, make a flashlight under beds and in corners, making sure to avoid flashing the light in your cat’s sights.

●     Other Symptoms

Sick pets may have runny eyes or noses, cough, or sneeze. Other signs of sickness may include rapid breathing, fatigue, dilated eyes, disheveled coat, pale gums, and confusion.

Your kitty may freely get out of hiding in a day or two if they only possess a mild sickness or pain. If your cat is still disappearing after two days, quickly register an appointment with a vet.


What Should Pet-Keepers Do if Their Cat is Hiding?

Keepers need to know why their kitty is hiding by looking for other signs. It will help you decide whether or not a call to the doctor is required. An ill kitty may lack appetite, aggressiveness, no interest in utilising the litter box, and even constant purring.

We advise cat keepers not to waste any moment and head over to the doctor. If a pet is hiding for more than one or two days, and there is no apparent cause for it, you should take your pet to their vet to ensure there’s no underlying disease.


1.   What are the symptoms of a cat dying?

Signs Your Pet Could Be Dying

  • Extreme Weight Loss.
  • Extra Hiding. Hiding is a significant sign of illness in felines.
  • Decreased Mobility.
  • Not Eating.
  • Not Drinking.
  • Poor Response to Treatments.
  • Behavioural Changes.
  • Poor Temperature Regulation.

2.   What are the leading causes of a cat being sick?

Common reasons for cats being ill include eating foreign things such as pieces of string, rubber ribbons and bands, bad human foods such as chocolate and onions, and toxic substances such as antifreeze and human and plant medications.

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