Why Do Cats Cry When Mating?

Cats scream when they mate because of painful scratching from a male cat’s barbed reproductive organs. Male cats may also yell in response to the female cat’s noises. The noise is a natural reaction to stimulation critical for ovulation and getting pregnant.

What happens if cats don’t mate?

Female cats are induced ovulates which means that ovulation does not take place without mating or similar stimulation. If the female cat does not mate during estrus, hormonal levels will eventually drop off, and the estrous cycle will repeat itself in another two to three weeks.

What happens if I don’t let my cat mate?

If your cat does not get out of the house to mate during her first heat, she will continue to go through a heat cycle every few weeks until she becomes pregnant or is spayed. This may make it seem like she is constantly in heat. Over time, this may be stressful and unhealthy for your cat.

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Genital features

The best way to check the sex of a kitten is from its genitals. Normally kittens are reluctant and are not comfortable lifting their tails. Being gentle with them can make it easier. Calm down the kitten for a couple of minutes and lay it on a soft towel or cloth. It is suggested to lift the tail, instead of pulling it. The kittens have two openings, one is the anus and the other one which is on the bottom are either the female genitals or the male genitals.

Genital Identification

  • Having two kittens makes it easier to compare both sides by side, but it is not a problem if it’s only one kitten.
  • The genital opening of a female kitten is like a small vertical slit. The genitals and the anus look like the shape of the alphabet “I”
  • The genital opening of a male kitten is like a circular hole. It will look like a colon if the genitals and anus are seen together
  • The distance between the two openings is less in a female kitten and it is close to the anus
  • The distance between the two openings is comparatively more in a male kitten
  • The space between the anus and genital opening also helps to identify the sex. A small bulge or pouch like a scrotum is possessed by a male kitten
  • Testicles are also be identified by gently pinching the area between two openings. Pea-sized lumps are identification for a male kitten

Non-Genital Features

  • The color of a kitten also helps to identify its sex.
  • Kittens having black patches or white, orange/brown are mostly having two X chromosomes, which make them a female kitten
  • Striped orange cats are mostly male ones and they have XY chromosomes
  • In some breeds, the female cats are in heat at 4 months while it is mostly between 6 to 10 months
  • The meow by the kitten is louder during these days (2-19 days of being in heat) and they often seem like howling
  • Affectionate behavior with objects and an urge to go outdoors is often reported
  • The urine is often sprayed and male kittens have very strong-smelling urine these days which has an unpleasant smell
  • The facial features of a male kitten are lean and muscular. They have thicker bones in their skull and jaw region
  • Male kittens have a set of glands at the base of their tails. It secretes sebum which is an oily substance. It will also let know if there is hair that has matted and a foul smell can help identify when a male has mated

These signs and identifications can help one know if their kitten is a male or a female. In this way, one can easily help out their pets whenever they need something.

How to Tell If My Cat Is in Labor?

Cats are extremely capable animals in general and when a female cat is pregnant this is also often the case. It is important to closely monitor and pay attention to your cat during this time and if there is any reason for concern, seeking out your vet is crucial. So what should you expect from your pregnant cat and how do you know when she is in labor?

Getting ready

In the last two weeks of the cat’s pregnancy, it is important that she be kept away from children and other pets. This is particularly important in regards to other cats as they can pass on infectious diseases to her at this riskiest time. It is important to try to keep her calm and inactive as well as used to the maternity bed if you are providing her with one. She may choose her own spot, such as the corner of a cupboard or in the bottom of a wardrobe and once she has made this selection, never try to move her.

You can try to entice her into changing her mind by making an irresistible maternity bed, however. Take a box around 2 feet by 3 feet and around 1 ½ foot high, with a top or high sides that will prevent kittens from wandering off as well as a hole in one side large enough for the female cat to come and go. The box needs to be large enough for her to lie down and a few inches of shredded newspaper in the bottom will make it comfortable and an old piece of clothing from her favorite person. The box then needs to be placed somewhere warm and quiet where she won’t be disturbed.

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The birth

It is best to observe the birth if possible, especially for first-time mums, so you can see if there are any problems but it is a balancing act – you don’t want to interfere and upset the labor. Normally, the process will continue without any interference but you must get in touch with your vet if you have concerns. Don’t let too many people crowd around watching her as she may become uncomfortable and try to move elsewhere.

There are three stages to labor in cats and the first can pass without us humans being aware of it. This is when the cervix and uterus are getting ready for delivery. Contracts can be happening but this likely isn’t visible from the outside. She will likely become very nervous during this time and pace around a lot, often calling out. Often trips to the litter tray will be frequent but nothing will be deposited and if she isn’t settled in her maternity bed for any reason, this is when she might change it. There may also be some discharge from the vagina.

The second stage of labor is the actual birth and can take from two to twenty-four hours. Keep a bowl of warm water, clean towels and clothes, dental floss, disposable gloves, and some petroleum jelly on hand as well as the pet carrier for emergencies.

Some kittens emerge head first, but others come out feet first and there tend to be some 30-45 minutes between deliveries. Keep at a safe distance and only intervene if it is absolutely necessary such as if she is training excessively or there is a bloody discharge. Also, if she passes the kittens too quickly and there is no time to clean them and break the amniotic sac then you may need to help.

Finishing the process

Mum will normally bite through the umbilical cord after cleaning the kitten but if she doesn’t, use the disposable gloves and tie dental floss around the cord some 2 inches from the kitten’s body then again another inch from the kitten. Cut the cord between the two ties. If the mother shows signs of coming to do the job, remove the floss and let her take over. If you do remove it, put a touch of iodine tincture from the vets on the stump to prevent infection.

The last stage of labor is where the placentas are passed, normally after each kitten, so count to make sure the same number has been passed as kittens

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