What is the Source of the Blood in the Poop?
When your cat’s poop looks red, it is said to have blood in it. The amount of blood in your cat’s stool will vary depending on the disease. Stool includes two different forms of blood: Hematochezia, bright red blood, and tarry blood, which is black and tarry in appearance. In most cases, blood in the poop is a sign of a more serious underlying health problem. Blood in the poop can be caused by joint and minor diseases or indicate a more serious underlying infection or illness that needs to be treated immediately. While blood in the stool is not necessarily an emergency, if the stool persists for more than a short amount of time or occurs regularly, you should seek veterinary attention for your cat.
Symptoms of Blood in the Poop in Cats
A bright red or dark brown to black speck of blood in your cat’s stool will be the primary symptom of blood in the stool. These signs and symptoms may appear on their own or in conjunction with other signs and symptoms such as:
- Diarrhea
- Stool containing mucus
- Defecation at inappropriate places around the house.
- Ineffective journeys to the litter box regularly
- Vomiting
- An inability to eat
- Lethargy
- Increased thirst
Types of Blood in Poop in Cats
- In cats, blood in the poop can take one of two forms. The first is the more common type. It is commonly accepted that bright red blood in minor or trace amounts indicates underlying irritation or inflammation in the lower digestive tract. Hematochezia is the term for blood in feces of any kind.
- Digestive irritation or another source of blood farther up the intestinal tract or stomach is usually indicated by dark brown, black, tarry, or coagulated blood in the stool. When stomach acids break down the blood, the blood might turn black, known as melena.
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Causes of Blood in Poop in Cats
There are a variety of irritants or diseases that can produce blood in the feces in cats. These are several of the most common reasons:
- Unpleasant stomach due to a change in diet.
- Too much human food is being consumed.
- Consuming excessive quantities of food
- Stress
- Colitis
- Parasites
- Giardia or coccidia infections (protozoa infections).
- Panleukopenia as a result of exposure to feline parvoviruses.
- Crohn’s disease and colitis
- Injury to the rectus abdominis
- Idiopathic or undetermined causes
In some cases, blood can be found in a cat’s poop for these several causes. The severity of some cases varies from case to point.
Discomfort in the lower gastrointestinal tract may result in irritation of the lining of the lower gastrointestinal tract, which may result in bleeding. Your cat’s stools may become bloody after a few days if he or she is suffering from diarrhea or soft stools.
The straining to excrete that cats experience is expected when they are constipated. This can result in blood vessels in the lower gastrointestinal tract rupturing. If the feces is challenging to pass or is small in size, it may contain blood on its exterior.
Stress, dietary changes or intolerance, parasites, foreign materials, infections, toxin exposure, inflammatory bowel disease, and a variety of other disorders can all result in diarrhea and constipation.
Congestion in cats is caused by dehydration. When diarrhea occurs, on the other hand, it is common for the cat to become severely dehydrated. Constipation for an extended period can result in a condition known as megacolon, an enlarged intestine in the large bowel.
Polyps, cysts, and tumors are all examples of growths that can cause blood in the bowels.
When it comes to kittens, parasites are the most typical reason for bloody stool. A pet’s parasite load and risk of exposure will vary from one region or country to another. To prevent roundworm infection in kittens, deworming medicine should be given to them every two weeks until they are fourteen weeks old.
In cats, cancer is most typically observed in older cats, and it can also cause blood to pass through their stool. They may also have a tough time passing stool or pass flattened stools in these circumstances.
Anal Sac Abscesses
Cats of any age can develop anal sac abscesses, which result in blood in the feces. The anal glands are small glands that may be discovered between the muscles of the anal sphincter at 5 and 7 o’clock on the anus, either looking at it from the front or the back. While having a bowel movement, they have tiny channels that allow small material to get into the stool. There will occasionally be blood outside the feces, which indicates that a gland is infected. When these feline companions are experiencing difficulties, they will frequently slide their bums on the ground and lick excessively. A veterinarian should examine cats suffering from this unpleasant disease to receive treatment as soon as possible.
Dietary Indiscretion
Even though felines are more prone to dietary indiscretion (also known as “trash gut”), the irritation or damage to the colon produced by what they consume can occasionally result in blood in their feces.
Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)
Diarrhea with or without bloody stool is common in cats with inflammatory bowel disease (IBD). Crohn’s disease is analogous to this in many ways. Because of the inflammation and damage to the intestinal lining, there will be bleeding from the colon. Various factors can cause inflammatory bowel illness, and determining the precise reason may necessitate comprehensive testing.
Stressed cats may have bloody feces. This could indicate that the pet has an underlying ailment that the stressful incident has exacerbated. A veterinarian should evaluate the pet to rule out any other possibilities.
GI Difficulties
Various illnesses and conditions can cause GI difficulties that result in blood in the stool. Except for the blood, the stool of a cat may appear normal in some instances.
Dark-colored Stools
Take note of any dark-colored stools that appear sticky or that appear to be made out of coffee ground material. Because it is such a dark color, it may not appear to be blood at first. The cause for this is that it is the blood that has been digested or partially digested. Blood in the feces indicates bleeding anywhere in the gastrointestinal tract, such as the small intestine or stomach, and it should be treated immediately.
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Diagnosis of Cats with Blood in the Poop
A veterinarian will need to diagnose the underlying illness producing your cat’s blood in the poop to analyze the indicators properly. During your cat’s initial veterinary examination, you should provide your veterinarian with a detailed history of your cat’s physical symptoms. It will be vital to note whether or not your cat is also suffering from diarrhea and vomiting, whether or not they have been eating regularly, and whether or not they have displayed any other behavioral abnormalities. You should offer your veterinarian information about the sort of food your cat consumes, as well as whether or if there have been any dietary or lifestyle changes in the home that could have triggered the symptoms of the illness.
Your veterinarian will then make a possible diagnosis based on the information you have provided, your cat’s physical exam findings, and any laboratory tests that may be performed on her.
Your veterinarian will most likely complete a fecal smear of your cat’s stool to look for parasites that may be aggravating your cat’s intestine. This procedure is usually completed in a short period in your veterinarian’s office. It may be mandatory to have blood work done by your veterinarian, which will provide you with a complete report on your cat’s white blood cell count and may aid in identifying any infection.
If the result of the tests is negative, your veterinarian may decide to conduct more in-depth examinations. Your cat’s digestive tract may be visualized using several procedures such as an abdominal ultrasound, x-rays, or a colonoscopy, which are all available. During the majority of these procedures, your cat will need to be sedated or anesthetized to obtain a transparent image of the inside of her mouth.
Treatment for Cats with Blood in the Poop
You should call your veterinarian if your cat’s bowel motions have been odd for a few days or longer, even if there is no blood in the poop. Taking care of the GI issue can help avoid blood from emerging in the stool in the future.
Once blood is discovered in your cat’s stool, keep an eye on her for the next day or two to ensure she isn’t hurting herself. Your cat should be taken to the veterinarian if it displays any signs of illness or if you notice blood again the following day.
For a diagnosis and treatment of diarrhea in your cat, consult your veterinarian. Diarrhea can be caused by a variety of factors, including stress, illness, and medications. No matter if you see blood or not, this is true.
After a couple of days, you should take your cat to the veterinarian to get her checked out. This is also an indication of constipation if you notice your cat struggling to defecate. If your cat is suffering from constipation, your veterinarian can provide relief and may be able to pinpoint the cause. It is possible to prevent constipation in cats by feeding them a healthy diet rich in fiber. It is also possible to alleviate the disease after it has begun. Nonetheless, after straining and blood are noticed, you may be sure it has been long enough that veterinarian attention is required.
Cats’ Recuperation of Blood from the Poop
In most circumstances, the prognosis for a cat who has blood in its feces is favorable, depending on the underlying reason behind it. Your veterinarian may decide that your cat should be allowed to recover at their office, where it can receive round-the-clock medical attention if the infection is severe. After treatment or dietary changes are implemented, blood in the stool is frequently resolved. You should devise a plan if your cat has been identified with food sensitivities and you want to prevent him from accidentally consuming unpleasant components.
The majority of cases of blood in the stool are curable with time and proper treatment, and your cat will live a normal, happy, and healthy life after recovery.
Is it Common for There to be Blood in Cat Poop?
While blood in your cat’s poop does not always signify a life-threatening condition, it is not natural and should not be ignored in any circumstance. Vets are often required to treat even the most minor of conditions, and in the case of more acute diseases such as poisoning, there is no time to spend.
Can Worms Cause Blood to Appear in Cat’s Poop?
Cats’ poop may include blood from worms and other parasites, which are possible causes. Even otherwise, healthy cats can harbor worms. Therefore you must worm them regularly, despite showing indications of illness or discomfort. The presence of worms can cause severe disease in your cat (and some can be transmitted to humans); therefore, you must incorporate worming into your daily routine.
Is it Possible for Stress to Create Blood in cat Poop?
Stress can cause blood to appear in a cat’s feces. Situations such as moving house, boarding your cat while you are away on vacation, or the night before a fireworks display can all induce worry in your cat. If you feel that your cat is pooping blood due to stress, you should consult with a veterinarian, as they may suggest ways to alleviate the situation. Another possibility is that your cat’s symptoms result from an underlying ailment, which your veterinarian will be best equipped to diagnose and treat for you.
Is it Possible for a Change in Cat Diet to Result in Blood in the Stool?
It is possible that changing your cat’s food all at once will induce an upset stomach, which may result in blood in their stools. As a result, it is critical to the transition from their present meal to their new diet as gradually as possible. If your cat has been eating anything that is not appropriate for them, it is also conceivable that they have passed blood. If you suspect that your cat’s bloody feces is the result of something he or she has eaten, notify your veterinarian immediately so that they can properly diagnose and treat the problem.