When you return home, your kitten may appear sleepier than usual, and their behavior may be slightly different from what you remember. But remember, they are perfectly normal. You should, however, watch their actions. Even if they’re typically gentle and trustworthy, recovering animals may appear disoriented or bite, so it’s a fine idea to keep little children away from them for a few days while they’re recovering. Fortunately, this adverse effect subsides within a few days, and your furry companion will return to his or her previous level of activity.
Your pet may sleep more than usual the first day or two following surgery. You could think this is a side effect of the anesthetic, which is understandable. However, although drowsiness is indeed caused by the operation itself and any pain medicines that have been prescribed, it is also true that other factors cause it. This period of time following the event provides the body with an opportunity to recover. Because you’ve undoubtedly had personal experience with this, you know that healing requires a lot of sleep!
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Other feline behavioral problems following surgery
Your veterinarian or veterinary technician should be able to tell you what to expect from your cat’s behavior following surgery. Nonetheless, it is beneficial to have a broad awareness of what is typical and when there is a reason to be concerned.
- In most situations, you may expect your cat to remain tired and sluggish for the first 12 to 24 hours following anesthesia. She may also be irritable or violent, indicating that she is feeling compassionate.
- Depending on the procedure, your cat may also have a decreased appetite for a few days after surgery. For the first 24 hours, feed your cat smaller meal quantities than usual in order to reduce the likelihood of sickness and vomiting after the procedure.
- If your cat had a tube inserted in her trachea (windpipe) while under anesthesia, she may experience a small coughing fit afterward. This should subside throughout the following few days.
- Occasionally, the skin around your cat’s sutures will seem somewhat red or pink in color. You may also have minor bruises for a few days following your procedure. You may also observe occasional blood seepage from the incision site or sutures during the first 24 hours after the procedure.
When should you be worried?
Extreme behavior might indicate that your cat is in a great deal of pain following surgery. This might involve anything from hyper-aggression and constant meowing to hiding and isolation from the world. If your kitty exhibits any of the behaviors listed above, contact your veterinarian. Keep in mind that if your cat requires pain medication following surgery, your veterinarian will have prescribed it for you before the procedure. Do not offer your cat human pain relievers such as Tylenol, Advil, or aspirin, since these medications are highly poisonous to cats and should be avoided at all costs.
If your cat is still feeling particularly sluggish or isn’t eating in 48 hours following surgery, you should consult your veterinarian for guidance.
Finally, keep an eye on the incision site where your cat has been operated on. If you observe any odd symptoms, such as a tiny quantity of blood seepage more than 24 hours after surgery, continuous or significant blood draining, severe swelling or redness, or unpleasant odors or discharge, contact your veterinarian or an animal hospital.
When it comes to licking or chewing on her stitches after surgery, your cat may be inclined to do so. If you detect this behavior in your cat, you will need to use an electronic collar to control him. Remove the e-collar if your cat was released from surgery with one already on. Do not remove it until your veterinarian gives you the go-ahead.
Anyhow, if your furry friend appears to be in excessive amounts of pain, seems to be sleeping excessively, or appears to be exhibiting other signs of distress or abnormality beyond those described to you when you picked him/her up from the hospital, you should contact your veterinarian immediately to discuss your concerns.