How to tell if your cat needs to go to the vet?

Have you taken your cat to the vet recently? Before you respond, consider this fact: even though there are 10 million more pet cats than dogs in the United States, just one cat out of every five canines is seen by a veterinarian. Most cat owners assume that cats have more minor health problems than dogs, even though cats are far better at disguising when they’re not feeling well than dogs.

So, here are some situations which indicate that your cat needs to see a veterinarian immediately:

1.     Is your cat acting sluggishly?

Cats are known for sleeping a lot; however, there is a limit to how much they can sleep! While it’s typical for your cat to have a “down” day now and then, extreme lethargy (i.e., sleeping more than usual, lack of interest in play or sociability) that lasts more than 24 hours may indicate something more serious. Anaemia, viral infection, injury, or a variety of systemic illnesses are all possibilities.

2.     Is your cat suffering from diarrhea or constipation?

You should pay attention to your cat’s litter box activities if they change. Diarrhea can be a sign of various things, including intestinal parasites, allergic reactions, and a variety of disorders. If your cat’s diarrhea lasts longer than a day or appears black or bloody, he or she should see a veterinarian. Constipation, on the other hand, can indicate an intestinal blockage or lower urinary tract disease. Your cat’s constipation may be life-threatening!

3.     Have your cat’s litter box habits or urine output changed recently?

People sometimes blame a cat’s abrupt refusal to urinate in a litter box on behavioral issues. The most typical explanation, however, is a medical one! Urinating outside the litter box can suggest urinary tract disease, bladder infection, or kidney disease, especially if Kitty has always been good about using it. Urinary incontinence, blood or a red tinge to the urine, or a change in smell can all be signs of these problems.

4.     Have you noticed a difference in your cat’s appetite or water consumption?

Excessive hunger or thirst can indicate hyperthyroidism or inflammatory bowel disease, while diabetes can be characterised by extreme thirst. A decrease in eating or drinking, on the other hand, could indicate cancer, dental disease, or kidney difficulties, to mention a few. A cat that goes without food for a few days can develop hepatic lipidosis (a condition in which your cat’s liver shuts down due to too much body fat being processed). In any event, you need to get Fluffy to the vet as soon as possible!

5.     Is your cat’s breath foul-smelling?

Breath that is unusually unpleasant or noticeable can indicate a health problem. The most prevalent cause of foul breath is dental disease, which necessitates a thorough cleaning and, in some cases, extractions. Furthermore, poor breath can indicate kidney illness! On the other side, fruity or sweet-smelling breath can be an indication of diabetes.

6.     Kitty’s eyes are watery, and she sneezes, coughs, or breathes differently than usual.

While Kitty may catch a cold now and then, if you find your cat has eye or nose discharge, sneezing, or shortness of breath, it could be a sign of an upper respiratory infection that necessitates veterinary care. If Kitty is coughing or breathing heavily during regular activities, he or she should consult a veterinarian because this could indicate heartworms, asthma, respiratory disease, cancer, and more.

7.     Is your cat prone to vomiting?

While most cats get a hairball repeatedly and occasionally have upset stomachs, vomiting is not common. Vomiting or gagging regularly or frequently can signal a significant condition. Vomiting can be caused by various things, including parasites (including heartworms), ulcers, food allergies, gastritis, pancreatitis, renal or liver failure, foreign substances, or intestinal obstruction.

8.     Is your cat acting strangely?

No, we’re not talking about speeding around the house or looking at you intensely while you sleep. That’s perfectly normal for a cat. Is your cat vocalizing more or less than usual instead? Has he changed the tone of his voice? Has he changed his grooming habits? Is he running and jumping less frequently than before? Has he changed his behavior (with you and other pets)? While everyone’s conduct evolves, abrupt shifts can signal stress, suffering, or sickness.

9.     Back Legs Dragging

Aortic thromboembolism is a potentially fatal complication in cats suffering from heart disease. A blood clot becomes stuck in the rear legs, paralysing and distressing the patient. It is critical to seek medical assistance for your cat as soon as possible.

10.  Unusual Growth Or A Lump

Lumps or lumps may be safe, but it’s impossible to tell without a thorough check. Even if the new tumour is benign, it may appear in a place where your pet is uncomfortable.

11.   Coughing or other changes in breathing

Any changes in your cat’s respiratory system, such as coughing, an increase in the number of breaths, or the sound of shallower breathing, should be addressed carefully. Tumors, parasites, respiratory illness, and poisons can all cause respiratory problems.

12.  Following Any Major Trauma or a Feud With Another Cat

A trip to the vet-doc is required if your cat is hit by a car, tangles with another animal, or otherwise suffer trauma. Even though your pet appears to be in good health, he could be hiding internal ailments or wounds behind his fur. A brief trip to the veterinarian for a check-up can save you time and money in the long run by reducing the chance of infection or other issues.

13. Last one (and most importantly), has your cat seen a veterinarian in the previous 12 months (6 months if he’s older than seven years)?

Every cat should visit the vet at least once a year until he or she reaches the age of seven when he or she becomes a senior pet. After then, every cat should visit the veterinarian at least once every six months. There are numerous explanations for this. One of the most significant points is that your cat ages faster than you do. Your cat’s first two years are equivalent to 24 years of your life, and each year after that is equal to four human years. Would you wait four years to visit a doctor? Annual or bi-annual wellness visits allow you to give Kitty proactive rather than reactive treatment, allowing her to live longer and healthier years with you!

These are just a handful of the warning signals that Fluffy should see a vet. So, what do you have to lose? Unless you responded “yes” to the last question and “no” to the rest, it’s time to take your cat to the veterinarian.

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Bringing your cat in for a vet visit can be a stressful experience for both you and your cat and that’s why we are committed to provide you with the answers …..



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