Although cats are adorable and cuddly, they may also be challenging to care for, especially if they are kept all of the time indoors. Felines are natural predators that become bored fast. Thus they have a propensity to be curious about their surroundings. Some issues might arise as a result, such as when they decide to scale your curtains to have a better view of your living room.
If you care about your cat, you will want to do everything to keep her healthy. Take good care of your cat’s coat (by providing essential natural vitamins and regular grooming), keep her nails and paws in good form, and keep an eye on her toilet habits to achieve this. Finally, make sure you have a qualified veterinarian to check for any issues and search for things you might not be aware of yourself.
When you understand the fundamental requirements, you may nurture a healthy pet and coexist peacefully with them.
Keep your cat healthy and happy always use natural supplements, vitamins or products and try to follow these guidelines.
Taking Care of Your Cat
Create a feeding plan for your cat, including two meals per day around 8 to 12 hours apart for most cats. Your veterinarian may advise you on how much food your pet should consume daily based on its size and level of activity. And, despite being concerned about your cat becoming hungry, it is better not to leave a dish of food available all day for her. That might lead to your cat deciding to eat as much as they possibly can, which could result in them gaining too much weight.
- Provide your cat with protein derived from animals. Cats have a hard difficulty digesting protein generated from plants. Check the nutrition label on your cat food to check that it contains meat. You may also supplement your cat’s diet with a tiny quantity of cooked chicken, tuna, or meat-based baby meals.
- Try warming your cat’s food just a little before serving it to bring out the taste for your feline companion.
- It is best to provide fish occasionally since cats that ingest considerable amounts of fish are more likely to have health problems.
- Younger cats should be fed more than senior cats. Most cats require two meals each day during the first six months of their lives, starting at six months and continuing until they reach maturity. If your cat has reached the age of one year, you can start reducing the amount of food it consumes.
- If your cat has started to gain weight, you may need to change her food consumption. However, before making any significant modifications, consult with your veterinarian first.
- Feeding your cat only once a day is frequently plenty for older cats to thrive. Most cats enjoy eating, so if you put the appropriate quantity of food in your cat’s dish, she will be able to eat from it throughout the day as he pleases.
- Ensure your cat has access to freshwater. Every day, make sure your cat’s water bowl is full. Make sure your cat’s water bowl is right next to her food bowl so she may eat and drink simultaneously. While cats obtain most of their water from their diet, they will consume water to aid digestion.
Always try to give clean water and kidney support medicines to your cat to keep them healthy.
- Examine the taurine content of your cat’s diet. Taurine is an essential component in maintaining the health of your cat’s eyes. In cats, eating a taurine-deficient diet can result in death or blindness. Most cat diets are fortified with taurine; however, if your cat’s food is not fortified with taurine, you should get supplementary taurine and administer it as advised to ensure your cat is getting enough taurine.
- Feeding your cat plenty of dry food is not a good idea. Dry cat diets have a high carbohydrate content, which can contribute to diabetes and obesity in cats. Wet cat meals provide a greater concentration of lean protein, which helps to keep your cat healthy. In addition, moist cat meals will help to keep your cat more hydrated than dry cat foods will do.
- Do not give your cat any dog food at all.
->> Natural Supplements Designed to help Cats live longer <<-
Location of the Litter Box
Cats, like humans, require their area. Even if you don’t have a full room to dedicate to them, try to provide them with a particular section of your house to call their own, complete with food and drink, a couch, a scratching post, and a litter box to make them feel at home.
- Make sure there are lots of litter boxes. To figure out how many litter boxes you’ll need for your home, multiply the number of cats you have by one to get the answer. For example, if you have two cats at home, you should have three litter boxes available to you.
- Select the most appropriate location for your litter boxes. Place the litter boxes in open, clean, calm, and well-lit areas so that the cats can see everything around them. Depending on the arrangement of your home, a peaceful nook of your living room or a spot near the fireplace may be suitable locations.
- Avoid placing litter boxes in areas where your cat could feel imprisoned or where he or she might be attacked. An unattractive litter box site, such as a closet at the end of an unending hallway with no escape, is not recommended.
- Do not put a litter box in a location that can only be reached by climbing up and down steps, such as a basement. If you contain a cat that likes to go up and down the stairs, put a litter box on each house floor.
- Observe any odd toilet behaviors that you may notice. If your cat is peeing in an unexpected location outside of its litter box, for example, take it to the veterinarian immediately. It might be sick and in need of medical attention. In a similar vein, if your cat stops going to the bathroom or begins to go less regularly, you should contact your veterinarian right once. Strange behavior might be caused by various conditions such as urinary tract infections, constipation, or another sickness.
- Weekly litter box cleaning is recommended. Your cat could start going to the potty somewhere else if its litter box isn’t clean, which is something that you don’t want to happen. Ensure that you empty the whole litter box and dispose of the contents in the garbage once a week. Empty the box and replace it with fresh litter after wiping it down with an odorless, nontoxic disinfectant wipe.
Remember to spot clean the box every day and remove any solids, like feces and clumps of urine-soaked litter that have accumulated.
Maintaining the Health of Your Cat’s Claws and Collar
Even if you confine your cat to the indoors, cats are superb escape artists. Always make sure they have a collar on their name and phone number if they decide to run away from you. Many humane groups believe that microchips are the most effective method of returning your pet to you securely.
Declawed cats are at a distinct disadvantage if they escape their enclosure. Many veterinarians advise keeping your cat’s claws as long as feasible if at all possible and plus it’s cruel to your cat go that route.
NOTE: We recommend STRONGLY NOT to declaw your cat.
- Maintain the cleanliness of your cat’s feet. If your cat walks in something sticky or unsanitary, it might not only create a mess, but it could also cause him or her to have difficulty moving about. With a wet towel, wipe the bottoms of your cat’s feet. If your cat has walked in anything particularly harmful, consider washing its feet in a big dish filled with a few inches of lukewarm water for a few minutes. Gently massage the feet to release any adhesions that have formed.
- Keep an eye out for your cat’s delicate paws and claws. Keep your cat away from hot metal surfaces such as ovens and very cold surfaces such as iced-over sidewalks. If your cat’s paws appear to be dry or cracked, ask your veterinarian about using a moisturizer and following the manufacturer’s instructions.
- Check your cat’s paws for changes regularly. If you detect any rashes, swelling, splinters, or wounds, look for the cause of the problem right once. Inspect the paw for any foreign items that the cat may have stuck there, such as staples or splinters. If you detect any sores or raw places on your cat, you should take her to the veterinarian for a checkup.
- Pay attention to any unpleasant hair on the paws. Long-haired cats may have hair growing out between their toes, especially if they are overweight. If you see hair growing from between your cat’s toes or observing your cat licking its toes regularly, cut the hair growing from between the toes with a pair of sharp scissors.
- Make a scratching post for your cat and encourage him or her to utilize it. Cats have smooth claws beneath their nails that are protected by an outer sheath. They scrape anything they can find to remove this exterior coating. They will likely scratch on your dining room table and sofa if you do not give them a scratching post to scratch on.
- Provide a variety of scratching posts for the animals. Some cats like raw wood logs, while others prefer wood that has been wrapped in rope. Create multiple stations around the house to provide your cat with a range of alternatives.
- If you put some catnip on the scratching post, your cat will be more interested in scratching it. Use the fingers to pinch a bit of the mixture and sprinkle it on the base of the post, or massage it into the surface of the post, as desired.
- Nail clipping should be done regularly for your cat. Positioning your cat on your lap and trimming its nails with a set of nail clippers can ensure that your cat is comfortable and drowsy. Gently massage the innermost toe of one of your cat’s feet, then push the toe pad with your index and middle fingers. After a while, the nail will pop out of the toe pad. Remove the sharp, white end of the nail with a nail clipper.
- Continue cutting across the cat’s foot until it is completely gone. Continue with the following foot when you have finished with the first.
- If your cat becomes anxious or antsy while having its nails clipped, offer it a treat before and after the procedure to calm it down and reward it for remaining quiet during the course.
- Additionally, you may break up the trimming into two sessions by cutting the front feet on one day and the back feet on a different day.
- Make sure not to clip the pink portion of the cat’s nail. The quick is a section of the nail that includes many nerves and blood arteries that are extremely sensitive. While cutting your cat’s nails, keep some styptic powder or sticks available in case you accidentally cut the quick of his nail.
- Never use human nail clippers on your cat’s nails since this might cause the nails to split. Instead, use specialist cat or pet clippers. Pet nail clippers are available for purchase at pet supply retailers.
- Don’t pick your cat’s claws. While you may be tempted to declaw your cat to safeguard your furniture, declawing surgery involves removing the ends of your cat’s toes during the procedure. Your cat may experience significant discomfort during the healing period.
- Provide alternatives to declawing, such as frequent nail trims and many scratching posts, to discourage declawing.
If your cat is agitated and ferocious and does not clean paws and claws, try using this natural cat calm and stress-reducing formula.
->> Natural Supplements Designed to help Cats live longer <<-
Taking Good Care of Your Cat’s Teeth
Check the gums and teeth of your cat regularly. Its teeth should be white, and its skin should be a healthy pink tint to match. If your cat’s teeth are yellow or brown, this indicates that tartar and plaque have accumulated on their teeth. Provide your cat with dental treats that are intended to decrease plaque and tartar on its teeth.
- Visit your cat to the veterinarian if you discover that your cat has noticeable foul breath or if you see that your cat’s gums and teeth have become discolored. If required, veterinarians can perform an oral cleansing.
- Brush the teeth of your cat. Identify a time of day that is comfortable for both you and your cat and stick to it. Working carefully over your cat’s teeth in small circular motions, dab a little dab of toothpaste on a strip of gauze or the end of your cat toothbrush and gently massage it around his teeth. Using a soft toothbrush, brush the teeth from the gum line down to just below the surface of the teeth. After brushing, give your cat a tasty treat to show your appreciation.
- Avoid brushing straight against the gums.
- While brushing your cat’s teeth, keep an eye out for any loose teeth. If you notice any, call your veterinarian to schedule a visit.
Use natural calcium supplements to keep your cat’s teeth health in check as natural calcium gives support to feline teeth and makes them strong.
Cats Should be Kept Indoors
If you believe that keeping cats indoors is cruel, you should consider walking them about the yard on a leash. If they are left alone, this will prevent them from escaping out of the yard. Unfortunately, we live in a world where the couch is the safest place for your cat to be in.
In reality, family veterinarians in general, and surgical specialists in particular, witness many wounds and fractures in cats left outside unattended. It has been a satisfaction to care for cats that have been hit by a car, shot with a real gun, and bitten by other animals (dogs, possums, raccoons, other cats). Cats disappear from some regions after coming into contact with coyotes or other predators.
Cats are very sociable animals. They enjoy each other’s company. Consider visiting your local animal shelter and saving a life by adopting a new kitty buddy as your next feline companion. Double the number of cats equals double the enjoyment!
With one more recommendation, we’ll round up our list of suggestions for keeping cats happy and healthy with one more proposal. If you’re afraid that you won’t be able to pay adequate veterinary treatment if your cat becomes very ill, you should consider purchasing pet insurance to protect yourself. That way, no matter what occurs, you’ll be able to offer the finest possible care for your feline companion regardless of the circumstances.